Why do I feel like I should be driving around in an open-top Ford Fairlane, cruising into the local car hop?  Something about the slower pace as I parked to pick up curbside a Jigsaw puzzle, then crossed the street to the market to pick up some meat, made me feel a little out-of-time, a little back-to-the-future-ish.  The yarn shop is definitely an amalgam of the old world and the new.  You can’t get more “tribal,” as a friend described it, than knitting.  Archeologists recently unearthed yarn dating from 41,000 to 52,000 years ago (3 ply, apparently).  Yet, we are meeting and I am teaching knitting on Zoom—quite effectively.  So here we are.  I’m teaching a mukluks class this Thursday, beginning knitting on Saturday mornings, a lace top next Thursday.  We are having Yarn Tastings (sharing projects) and book club.  I am taking orders and offering curbside pickups on Thursdays and Saturdays from 12-4.  Check out the class schedule on loveyarnshop.com or on Loveyarnshop’s Facebook events.