At Love.Yarn.Shop. we host monthly events and hold weekly classes.  Check out our monthly calendars in the drop-down menus.  Below is an overview what’s going on at LYS:

Second Fridays from 5-7.  These casual social events are open to the public and require no pre-registration.  Bring your knitting or crocheting and enjoy the company of fellow fiber enthusiasts with some nibbles and sips.

Saturday mornings at 10:30:  Most Saturdays we have a class going on, so check out the schedule and give us a call or email if you want to join in.

Charity Knitting.  We always have a charity knitting project on the go.  Check out our FB page or North Country Fiber Forum

Knitting breast prostheses for cancer survivors.
Knitting breast prostheses for cancer survivors.
Toys paired with children's books for the Children's Hospital at Dartmouth.
Toys paired with children’s books for the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth.
92 Red Hats were knit for the American Heart Association's campaign "Little Hats, Big Hearts."
92 Red Hats were knit for the American Heart Association’s campaign “Little Hats, Big Hearts.”

Knit and Crochet!  The staff at LYS are dedicated to teaching knitting and crocheting and helping people with their projects.   Come in and get ready to cast-on either a hat or cowl, learn the knit stitch, and knit in the round, with homework to continue knitting for 7 1/2 inches, and the next week,  finish the project by decreasing the crown of the hat or binding off for the cowl. Quick gratification. If you want to learn crochet, students learn to chain, single crochet, 1/2 double crochet, and double crochet while making a “sampler” cowl.

Students make this cute, roll-brim hat as a first project.
Students make this cute, roll-brim hat as a first project.
Crocheted "Sampler" Cowl
Crocheted “Sampler” Cowl