Love.Yarn.Shop. is committed to supporting New England and American sourced yarns, so you will find the yarns you need come from New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Montana, Colorado, Ohio, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Nebraska.

Shop Front in November.
Shop Front in November.
Brown Sheep, Done Roving, Good Karma Farm, Jaggerspun, Kraemer, Peace Fleece, String Theory, Shearer's, Swan's Island.
Brown Sheep, Done Roving, Good Karma Farm, Jaggerspun, Kraemer, Peace Fleece, String Theory, Shearer’s, Swan’s Island.
World Wide Knit in Public Day!
Fingering weight yarn.
charity knitting
Charity Knitting on a Sunday afternoon.
Swans Island Trunk Show
Swans Island Trunk Show
You'll find a friendly welcome!
You’ll find a friendly welcome!
Paula enjoying the sun outside the shop.
Getting ready to deliver books partnered with toys to CHaD.