November 8th:  Yarn Tasting with String Theory Merino DK.  Delicious, beautiful super wash Merino from the dyer of Caper Sock.  5-7 Nibbles and Sips and 20% off the yarn.

November 2nd:  10:30 Slip-Stitch coasters.  Size 6 needles $15

November 9th:  10:30 Fleece Stuffed Mittens with Heather Joy.  Bring the cuff, so you can learn how to work with the fleece.  Roving provided.  $15

November 16th:  10:30. Needle Felted Snowmen.  Get ready for the season with these easy figures.  $15. Materials provided.

November 23rd:  10:30. Baby Bobble Sheep.  Make the Purl Soho Bobble Pillow from smaller needles and yarn for a little gift!  Size 7 DPN needles and 16″ circulars.

Book Club:  November 14th 12:00. In Our Mad and Furious City by Guy Gunaratne.  Join us for discussion.

Charity Knitting:  Operation Gratitude.  Knit scarves and hats for soldiers. Sunday 1-3