March Schedule

March 7th:  Shamrock Hat.  Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day! 10:30-12:30. $15 Includes pattern.

March 13th Yarn Tasting.  5-7 Nibbles and Sips.  Needle Felt a shamrock or heart pin for fun.

March 14th:  Celtic Knot Bracelet:  either with crocheted cords or knit I-cords.  $15. All materials included. 10:30-12:30

March 14th:  Second class of Fiddlehead Mitten.  2:00 $15

March 21st:  Little Cotton Rabbits.  Just in time for Easter!  $20 includes pattern.

March 26th:  Book Club at noon discuss Belonging by Nora Krug.

March 28th:  Second class of Fair Isle Vest:  10:30. $15