I’m on a mission…for a phone box.  I’ve been moving yarn and needles along at the shop.  People donate from inherited stashes to abandoned library and school clubs, and I put a cardboard box outside the shop with “free yarn and needles.”  The problem is that the cardboard box is only out when my shop is open and the weather is good, so the access is limited to those days and hours, and I wonder if people might be too shy to poke around in the free box while the shop is open.  I’ve been inspired by the little free libraries that are popping up all over the world.  Then my friend sent me a picture of a jigsaw puzzle exchange, and I got to thinking, “Why not have a yarn exchange?”  Not just yarn, but needles, accessories, patterns, books—all things fiber related.  I came across a phone box little library in England and thought what a perfect structure! Made for the elements, water-tight and mouse-proof, with glass for viewing, the phone box is the ticket.  So I’m putting the request out there, requesting that you move it along, just like the yarn and needles.

Little library in Fritham, England.